Other Questions

What is face-to-face support?

Face-to-face support refers to the delivery of teaching by a member of staff on a direct, in-person basis, rather than over a video or audio call. At our school, teachers will provide face-to-face support from a safe distance to ensure that all safety guidelines are followed.

Can my child come to school even if they aren’t in one of the selected year groups?

No, they cannot, unless you are a key worker or they are a vulnerable child. The school will only be open to children in reception, year 1, and year 6, vulnerable children, and the children of key workers.

Someone from outside my household usually collects my child; will this still be possible?

In order to follow government guidelines on social distancing, anyone from outside your household must stay two metres away from your child. This can be a challenge with young children, and potentially jeopardise their safety. We therefore strongly recommend that only someone from your household collects your child.

Can my childminder pick up my child from school?

Yes, they can. However, you will need to inform us of these arrangements, in writing, in advance. In addition, the childminder or registered childcare professional will need to provide identification upon picking up your child. This is to ensure the safety of your child, as we cannot guarantee that staff will be familiar with childminders. Both the childminder and the child must also follow social distancing guidelines.

My child travels to school on their own; can they still do this?

Yes, they can. However, they must still follow social distancing guidelines, and they must arrive at school at their allocated time slot. It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure their child arrives at school without complication or disruption to the process.

My child has PE, can they come to school wearing PE kit.

Yes. If your child has PE, they can come into school wearing PE kit and stay in the kit for the rest of the school day.

Does my child have to wear a school uniform?

No, they don’t. We recognise that this may be an unsettling time for children, and that they may benefit from wearing clothes that they feel comfortable in. Therefore, we are happy for parents to choose whether or not their child wears a school uniform.

Will breakfast and after-school clubs start again?

No, they will not. At this stage, we are regrettably unable to provide wraparound care for children. This means that our breakfast club and after-school provision will not be starting when children return. This may, however, change in the following weeks if our staffing resources allow.