School Council

School councils are an excellent way in which to increase participation and teach young people about democracy, local and global citizenship, and accountability. Being a school councillor is a really important role that provides leadership and development opportunities for the pupil. The councillors are provided with opportunities to participate both in school and in the society.

At Tregoze Primary School, all pupils are given the opportunity to be elected democratically. A vice will also be elected in case the other representative is absent. Each candidate is given time to prepare a persuasive speech to present to their class explaining why they would be the best candidate to represent their peers’ opinions and views about decisions which impact upon them and put forward any ideas or recommendations to improve the school. They put forward what their strengths are and any suggestions for improvements to the school.

How All Pupils Can Communicate with the School Council

Everybody's views, ideas, and opinions matter. All children and staff can contact a school council representative in the following ways:

  • Speak to a school council class representative when they are free or during their class feedback sessions.
  • Record ideas, opinions, and suggestions in their school council class book.
  • Write down suggestions and post them in the school council suggestion box, which is located by the school council display board by the hall.

Student Council Meetings

  • School council class meetings are held every week during class reflection on a Wednesday. They are run by the class school councillors.
  • School council meetings are held every Thursday morning and are led by the chair with minutes by the secretary.

Remembrance Assembly

Our School Councillors ran our Remembrance assembly.