The continued health of pupils is one of our top priorities and we believe that we have a responsibility to inspire and educate them on making healthy choices when it comes to food. The British Nutrition Foundation’s Healthy Eating Week is a great opportunity for us to get our students involved and discuss how they can improve their eating habits.


Healthy eating is vital to young people's development and should be a skill they can sustain well into their adult life. Which is why, at Tregoze Primary School, we conduct a variety of lessons and activities throughout the year to educate children on different food groups, the benefits of healthy eating, and how to achieve a sustainable balanced diet.


This year’s Healthy Eating Week aims to help everyone learn more about what they can do to have a healthier and more sustainable diet. We will be focusing on the following five themes:

• Focus on fibre - for meals and snacks Have more wholegrain foods, fruit and vegetables, beans, peas, and lentils.

• Get at least 5 A DAY – canned and frozen count too Have at least 5 portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables every day.

• Vary your protein - be more creative Eat a wider variety of protein foods and choose plant protein sources more often.

• Stay hydrated- fill up from the tap Have about 6-8 drinks a day and choose reusable or recyclable drinks containers.

• Reduce food waste – be food wise Aim for the right amount when you shop, cook and eat to avoid throwing food away.


We are relating our DT Food Unit to Healthy Eating this week. Every class will be completing their Food unit of work based around healthy food choices. Reception will be making their own healthy smoothies, Year 1 and Year 2 will make design and make healthy snacks, Year 3 will design and make healthy bread, Year 4, 5 & 6 will be designing and making their own healthy wraps and sandwiches.


Healthy eating week is a great way to encourage everyone in our school community to think about what they eat and how they can include more nutritional food as part of a balanced diet. Children are heavily reliant on their parents, who usually make their meals, to make healthy choices and prepare food with real nutritional value. We invite parents to consider whether their children are eating enough of the right food and to know that we are here to support them in developing healthy eating habits that their children can take with them into adult life.


You can find out more information on nutritional food for your family here on the British Nutrition Website: