At Tregoze, we use the Swindon agreed syllabus for RE. We adapt the scheme of work in order to make it as relevant and meaningful as possible for our children. Children’s own experiences are used as the base on which to build their knowledge and understanding of different religions.

Our RE teaching encourages children to develop a greater understanding of and respect for different faiths, linking with our own school values and the British Values which are promoted within the school. We provide opportunities to develop their sense of awe and wonder, and their sense of spirituality. The RE curriculum involves using the fascinating resources we have to draw on in the local area, and includes trips to different places of worship, including a local mosque, church, and Hindu and Sikh temples. The children are given opportunities to ask visitors of different faiths questions about their beliefs and are encouraged to think about how these are similar to or different from their own beliefs and experiences.

In addition to the RE curriculum itself, religious stories and festivals, such as Diwali, Eid, and Easter, are explored during assemblies, while we also have whole-school assemblies to celebrate these.

*In accordance with the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 section 71, parents have the right to withdraw their children from all or part of RE and acts of collective worship on religious grounds. Parents should make their wishes known to the Headteacher who will ensure that any pupils who are withdrawn are appropriately supervised while the act of collective worship / RE lesson takes place. Pupils can be withdrawn wholly or partly from acts of collective worship only by parents.